Not all web design companies are created equal. When most customers come to us looking for a website, we ask them one question which shows them the level on how we operate. Do you want a smart site or a dumb site? See anyone can build you a dumb site with just words and pictures, but not anyone can build you an actual business into your site. What do we mean by this? We build you a web site that is intended to bring in money for your business which is why we also stress the importance to our clients about marketing. We also build sites that the following modules in place for you should you chose to ask for them in your project:
Phone – no more need to dragging around a phone (it's now built into your site)
SMS - you now have the ability to contact your clients via SMS text messages from your site
Marketing friendly - sites are SEO friendly and will help you with your search engine rankings
Mobile friendly - these sites are mobile optimized
Training system - very helpful if you have outside sales people that you train
Help desk system – helpful for your customers
Order management – give you a way to track
Runs in the cloud – we can build you your own private cloud to operate your business
We are experts when it comes to web design, but there are many other things that we can do to help you grow your company. Take some time and look around your site to see how important it is to chose our company.